Oliver North is The Same Disgusting Liar He Always Was.
We learned long ago that Fox is really Pravda on the Potomac, and we cannot believe a word they say, since all of it, eventually, turns out to be lies and evasions, but this is cynical in the extreme even for them.
North should be fired! He is living proof that patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels, from the Iran/Contra Hearing until this very day.
Attytood: Fox's Ollie North yuks it up from Ramadi, say things better in Iraq...and never mentions his escorts were killed by a roadside bomb:
Fox's Ollie North yuks it up from Ramadi, say things better in Iraq...and never mentions his escorts were killed by a roadside bomb.
Stupid, fucking ex-jarhead is a felon, except for a technicality, and we all should have bloody well known better than to forget. It's divine to forgive, but an invitation to hell to forget, especially in situation like this. and when it comes to politics.
When will we, Americans, stop making heros of criminals, like Jessie James and Oliver North? Neither of these people are Robinhood!
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