Independent Sentinel

No matter what the news pundits would have you believe, it is always, it seems, the independents who decide elections. We are the great un-party. Independents (small "i") are not ideological. Sentinels are watchers. Figure us out.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Can we as rational Americans trust a mentally unstable president with the codes to Armageddon?

Letts lay the cards on the table, shall we?

Bush seems unstable at the very least, and deeply pathological at the worst. We must demand that he be given a full psychological evalualtion, and his Vice along with him.

Neither of them seem fit for duty.

I am imensely glad to see others asking these very important questions

Mary MacElveen :: Can we as rational Americans trust a mentally unstable president with the codes to Armageddon?:

One must question President Bush’s mental capacity as Mike Barnicle stated on Scarborough Country that he is “delusional” Our military cannot be led by a commander in chief that has become isolated in his opinion to keep our soldiers in Iraq. Barnicle even stated Bush’s actions in Iraq “verges on the criminal” and even Senator Gordon Smith (R Oregon) just recently stated of Bush keeping our troops in Iraq, “the current U.S. war effort is 'absurd' and 'may even be criminal.'

But, it was this comment coming from Barnicle that I zeroed in on, “that if any commander in Iraq feels that we do not need any more troops…then there is a commander that I submit that needs to be removed from command” meaning Bush. To fully understand the context of how he came to these conclusions, one must watch Scarborough Sees the light- Barnicle: 'Bush is delusional'

If many are beginning to call into question Bush’s mental state, we must remember that he holds the codes to our nuclear arsenal and that should cause us all grave concern. Can we as rational Americans trust a mentally unstable president with the codes to Armageddon?


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