Independent Sentinel

No matter what the news pundits would have you believe, it is always, it seems, the independents who decide elections. We are the great un-party. Independents (small "i") are not ideological. Sentinels are watchers. Figure us out.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Lessons for the Future, provided there is one.

Millions of ordinary citizens knew that an invasion of Iraq would be a disaster, and said as much. We were derided as traitors and supporters of terrorism.

It just does not pay to have a whit of intelligence, if you live in this country. It is not a highly valued commodity.

Lessons for the Future

So, given this unfolding disaster, what are the lessons that should be learned and what might a genuine new course forward look like?

First, the American people should hold accountable everyone who advocated or enabled the Iraq War in 2002-03 – Democrats, Republicans, pundits and journalists whether they promoted the policy or just went with the flow.

These public figures either demonstrated a lack of judgment or a lack of courage. They represent threats to U.S. national security – and should be viewed in that harsh light. Conversely, early skeptics of the war should be rewarded, not only out of a sense of fairness but from a practical appreciation of their farsightedness and bravery.

When looking for someone to lead the way out of this quagmire, it doesn’t make much sense to rely on the people who led the way in.Lessons for the Future (Please do read on^)


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