Independent Sentinel

No matter what the news pundits would have you believe, it is always, it seems, the independents who decide elections. We are the great un-party. Independents (small "i") are not ideological. Sentinels are watchers. Figure us out.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Nero Bush Fiddles while Iraq Burns

Now, 4 years into a senseless, illegal war and, even, an attempt by his Dad's friends to bail him out of an unwinnable morrass of death and defeat, Bush continues to drag his feet, kicking and screaming, like a child throwing a tantrum at the local toy store.

Wnat some more advice to consider, Mr Bush? Try this on for size:

Get the hell out of Iraq. The people there hate your guts and do not want your help.

Resign, we don't want you either?

Then get the hell out of the U.S. before we have to hang you up by your thumbs for a not- so-secret rendition to the Hague!

Without Deliberate Speed - New York Times:

We are more than eager for this White House to finally get something right on Iraq. But we find it chilling to imagine that Mr. Bush and his advisers have only now begun a full policy review, months after Iraq plunged into civil war and years after experts began warning that the administration’s strategy was not working.

We would like to believe that the reason for delay is that some of Mr. Bush’s advisers have come up with a sensible change in course and they are now trying to persuade the president to take it. Or that behind the scenes Mr. Bush is already strong-arming Iraq’s leaders to rein in the sectarian militias and begin long-delayed national reconciliation talks.

We fear that a more likely explanation is that the president’s ever-divided policy advisers are still wrangling over the most basic decisions, while his political handlers are waiting for public enthusiasm for the Baker report to flag before Mr. Bush tries to explain why he won’t follow through on some of the report’s most important and reasonable suggestions — like imposing a timetable on Iraqi leaders to make political compromises or face a withdrawal of American support. Or trying to persuade Iran and Syria to cease their meddling.


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