Independent Sentinel

No matter what the news pundits would have you believe, it is always, it seems, the independents who decide elections. We are the great un-party. Independents (small "i") are not ideological. Sentinels are watchers. Figure us out.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

"Tis the Season for Republican So-Called Christians to Go Nuts"


The Progressive Daily Beacon: "Tis the Season for Republican So-Called Christians to Go Nuts":

Republican so-called Christians certainly do become extra angry this time of year, don't they? And for them that is saying something! Though their Yuletide agitation and need to ruin the Holiday Season are becoming more annoying with each passing year, it is understandable. Yes, it is understandable because just beneath the surface of the whorish consumerism that they seem to worship most about Christmas, is a current of Christ-like Liberalism that they -- no matter how hard they try -- just can't seem to eradicate.

For the super-duper Republican so-called Christians like Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Reverend James Dobson, Reverend Pat Robertson, Reverend Jerry Falwell, Reverend Don Wildmon, and the entire FOX News network; what matters most about the Season is that Wal-Mart labels it to their liking, that Wal-Mart's sells achieve heights befitting having included Christ's name in their advertising, and that there is a Christ-child ornament adorning every public space. That is after all, what Christmas is about. Republican so-called Christians certainly do become extra angry this time of year, don't they? And for them that is saying something! Though their Yuletide agitation and need to ruin the Holiday Season are becoming more annoying with each passing year, it is understandable. Yes, it is understandable because just beneath the surface of the whorish consumerism that they seem to worship most about Christmas, is a current of Christ-like Liberalism that they -- no matter how hard they try -- just can't seem to eradicate.


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