Independent Sentinel

No matter what the news pundits would have you believe, it is always, it seems, the independents who decide elections. We are the great un-party. Independents (small "i") are not ideological. Sentinels are watchers. Figure us out.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Bush Developing Illegal Bioterror Weapons

Oh, Sweet Jesus, if this is true, I really don't think I want to be an American anymore!

Is there a kindly old German out there, somewhere, who could help me cope?

Bush Developing Illegal Bioterror Weapons:

The massive proliferation of biowarfare technology, facilities, as well as trained scientists and technicians all over the United States courtesy of the Neo-Con Bush Jr. administration will render a catastrophic biowarfare or bioterrorist incident or accident a statistical certainty,' Boyle warned.

As far back as September, 2001, according to a The New York Times article titled, 'U.S. Pushes Germ Warfare Limits,' critics were concerned 'the research comes close to violating a global 1972 treaty that bans such weapons.' That treaty forbids developing weapons that spread disease, such as anthrax, regarded as 'ideal' for germ warfare. The Pentagon did not respond to the charges made by Boyle in this article.

(Sherwood Ross is a Virginia, USA-based writer. Reach him at



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